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The coat is of medium length, straight or slightly wavy, weather resistant, with an accompanying undercoat. The density of hair on the undercoat depends on the climate. The hair is short and smooth on the head, outside the ears, on the front of the front legs, and on the back of the thighs. The back of the forelegs grows moderately. Mane and frill around the neck, more in males than in females.

The coat is of medium length in blue, light red, dark black, reddish brown with or without white patches or brown spots. The coat can be straight or slightly wavy, and has long hairs on the back of the legs. The hair on the head, front of the forelegs, and outside the ears is shorter than elsewhere on the body. The coat is easy to care for and requires little attention. Comb regularly with a specialized comb and bathe as needed. This breed sheds moderately.
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