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Classroom Social distancing greetings poster
Ensuring the safety of social gaps in the classroom is a top priority for Italian education officials when it comes to reopening schools.
Amid the readiness to welcome students back to school after a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 epidemic, in order to ensure social exclusion regulations, many schools in Italy have manually cut and split the table. traditional chairs into tables and chairs for one person.
According to CNN, most schools in Italy still use old style desks that are considered “banchi” to save classroom space. This is a long table set that many students can sit with. Single tables are very rare here, especially not very much in junior grade like elementary school.
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To meet the demand for social gap to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic when the students return to school, in July, the Italian Ministry of Education asked European countries to support 3 million sets of single tables and chairs. for this country. The transfer will be made before September 8 so that schools can change their desks and chairs to welcome the children back to school in the middle of that month.
However, many local districts are concerned that the new furniture will not be delivered in time, so they are dividing the old furniture into individual sets.
“In the case that these tables and chairs are made of wood, we will chopped them up, or in other words separate them. Although we can install wooden separators to avoid contact, the best option is to divide seats. This is a comprehensive approach to addressing the biggest challenge of opening schools, ”said Adelfio Cardinale, in charge of school opening in Sicily island districts, to education website Orizzonte Scuola.
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