In April We Wear Blue Autism Awareness Shirt
I’m sorry you feel this way. And yes it does drive me crazy to see people just jump on the band wagon on social media. You never know who is truly invested in WANTING to become aware and actually wanting to help or just wanting social media attention. But sadly that’s with EVERYTHING, not just autism awareness, breast cancer awareness, now down syndrome awareness, heart disease, etc. I LOVED what you had to say and its people like you who I believe should remind others of what the real point about all this AWARENESS is. I have family with ALL types of disabilities and I myself work specifically with autistic children and I come across people such as those you speak of all the time. So I take it upon myself to “correct” what Autism Awareness is SUPPOSED to be about.All I can say is GREAT JOB in explaining what Autism Awareness really is ? and to try your best to not get so upset and to remember there ARE people who TRULY DO WANT TO HELP but don’t know anything or know how to go about doing so, just as I’ve read in some responses already. All we can do is keep TRYING to get the word out there. So thank you for this. And fyi I wouldn’t have ever read this if it wasn’t on social media…
In April We Wear Blue Autism Awareness Shirt
This is by far not an issue unique to autism. The whole world turns pink in October, but very little is actually done to support breast cancer from certain organizations. The overwhelming majority of people that I’ve heard from that have read this truly thought they were helping but don’t know how. That’s why I wrote this. People assume that supporting autism speaks is supporting autistic
Where can I find documentation regarding the information you’ve posted about Autism Speaks? I totally believe you, it’s not about that, I just want to “do something”. My son is autistic, and this royally hacks me off. I’m thinking by the time April rolls around, I can have something planned, that might actually make a “real” difference. I’m no one special, and whatever I can come up with will only be on a local level, but it has to start somewhere, even if it’s small. I appreciate this post because I honestly had NO idea.