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Millennials are also unique in that five of their top 10 events appear in no other generation’s top 10: the Killing of Osama bin Laden (10%), the Sandy Hook school shootings (7%), the Boston Marathon bombing (7%) and the Great Recession (7%). In addition, the Gulf War and the Challenger disaster are only named by Gen X (15% and 14%, respectively), while the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination (15%) appears on only one generation’s list – Baby Boomers.To some extent, these findings are predictable: Young Americans simply have not lived long enough to have experienced the same number of history-making events of older adults. Conversely, some events like World War II could only be experienced by one generation, and other events like the Korean War occurred during another generation’s formative years.Just four events appear on the top 10 lists of all four generations: Sept. 11, the Obama election, the wars in Iraq/Afghanistan and the tech revolution.
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Little consensus on proudest or most disappointing momentsAmericans were also invited to weigh in on the times and events that made them most proud of their country, and those that left them feeling most disappointed. Perhaps the most significant finding is that there is much less agreement on this front than when it comes to naming events that are historically important, in that no one answer is named by more than a quarter of the public.o the extent that Americans coalesce upon a point of pride, it is the nation’s response to 9/11, including mentions of the bravery of first responders, the outpouring of genuine sympathy for victims or the way the country united after the terrorist attacks. Overall, 19% cite this as the moment they felt most proud of America.