Pokemon 25th anniversary 1996 2021 thank you for the memories Shirt
Red and Green went on to sell millions of copies.The trading and collecting mentality to get to “100% completion” is what made the games more social, as is seen in the current craze over Pokémon Go on iOS and Android. The philosophy of two games per release in the main series continues even today—Pokémon Sun and Moon release in November.Each generation introduced more and more Pokémon, with the number up to 721 today (Sun and Moon will give us yet some more in November). The important mainline releases are Pokémon Red and Green (and Blue, a special edition released later) on the Game Boy, Gold and Silver on the Game Boy Color, Ruby and Sapphire on the Game Boy Advance, Diamond and Pearl on the Nintendo DS, Black and White on the DS, and finally X and Y on the 3DS systems. There have been multiple remakes and re-releases as well.

Pokemon 25th anniversary 1996 2021 thank you for the memories Shirt1
Pokémon Red and Green were so successful that there were several special re-releases and limited editions. One of them was Pokémon Blue, only available as a mail-order title in Japan. Remember mail-order catalogues? Yep, those were still a thing back then and CoroCoro Comics, a monthly magazine, plays an important part in Pokémon history. Even today, said magazine had exclusive information about new Pokémon in the latest games set to release this winter.