Not all who wander are lost some are moms hiding from theri kids Shirt
Motherhood – a subject for litNot all who wander are lost some are moms hiding from theri kids Shirterary learners around the world. Love is the listening business students have for their children who are treasured by this sentiment that can be viewed. is a new signal of life. In folklore, there is a saying, “ The ferocious tiger does not eat the child ”, Not all who wander are lost some are moms hiding from theri kids Shirteven though there is a gentle person or a cruel soul, the mother’s instincts still prevail. Although the mother worries and makes sacrifices for her children, but not everyone feels that the mother’s love always follows us throughout her life and is awNot all who wander are lost some are moms hiding from theri kids Shirtare of the mother’s role in her child’s life.Mother love is sweet, pure like a drop of pure sweet water, as gentle as the sunlight of the early autumn dawn and as rustic as the bamboo groves at the beginning of the village. In contrast to that lightness is the great birth that a mother gives to a child. I let go of my youthful dream to spend all my happiness for you, I am accumulating my best for you to enjoy it all.Not all who wander are lost some are moms hiding from theri kids Shirt

Who knows? Our mother has been pregnant with us for more than nine months and is suffering to give birth to us. During her pregnancy, she suffered a lot of hardship, she had to eat difficult things to eat, things that she did not like just for good for the health and development of the baby. And also during that time, the mother had to walk gently, there were also limitations, she wanted to do what she liked but because she had to ignore her immediate desire, and when she We are pregnant, sacrificing our slim stature !. When your baby is born, the first food that they receive is breast milk – the food that has been researched and proven by scientists to be a healthy food for the whole development of the baby, Help your baby fight many diseases. I have given you what is pure, best for you, I have filtered out the best for us to receive. Not only that, her mother is also a gentle teacher right from the start