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Even though you I’m not from your sack I know you are still got my back Happy father day mug
In Germany, Father’s Day (Vatertag) is celebrated differently from other parts of the world.[49] It is always celebrated on Ascension Day (the Thursday forty days after Easter), which is a federal holiday. Regionally, it is also called men’s day, Männertag, or gentlemen’s day, Herrentag. It is a tradition for groups of males (young and old but usually excluding pre-teenage boys) to do a hiking tour with one or more smaller wagons, Bollerwagen, pulled by manpower. In the wagons are wine or beer bottles (according to the region) and traditional regional food, Hausmannskost. Many men use this holiday as an opportunity to get drunk. According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, alcohol-related traffic accidents multiply by three on this day. The tradition of Father’s Day is especially prevalent in Eastern Germany.
Do you love Even though you I’m not from your sack I know you are still got my back Happy father day mug ?
In France lighter manufacturer “Flaminaire” introduced the idea of father’s day first in 1949 for commercial reasons. Director “Marcel Quercia” wanted to sell their lighter in France. In 1950, they introduced “la Fête des Pères”, which would take place every third Sunday of June (following the American example). Their slogan « Nos papas nous l’ont dit, pour la fête des pères, ils désirent tous un Flaminaire » (Our daddies told us, for father’s day, they all want a Flaminaire). In 1952, the holiday was officially decreed. A national father’s day committee was set up to give a prize for fathers that deserved it most (originally, candidates were nominated by the social services of each town hall’s/mayor’s office); This complements “la Fête des Mères” (Mother’s day) which was made official in France in 1928 and added to the calendar in Vichy in 1941.
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