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Dogs and wine make everything fine poster
Although Dogs and wine make everything fine poster jennies come into heat within 9 or 10 days of giving birth, their fertility remains low, and it is likely the reproductive tract has not returned to normal. Thus it is usual to wait one or two further oestrous cycles before rebreeding, unlike the practice with mares. Jennies are usually very protective of their foals, and some will not come into estrus while they have a foal at side. The time lapse involved in rebreeding, and the length of a jenny’s gestation, means that a jenny will have fewer than one foal per year. Because of this and the longer gestation period, donkey breeders do not expect to obtain a foal every year, as horse breeders often do, but may plan for three foals in four years.

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The first use of the word Dogs and wine make everything fine poster ‘grinch’ in a work by Dr. Seuss appears in the 1953 book Scrambled Eggs Super! about Peter T. Hooper, a boy who collects eggs from a number of exotic birds to make scrambled eggs. One of these exotic birds is the “Beagle-Beaked-Bald-Headed Grinch” who looks a real sourpuss.The name later appeared in the May 1955 issue of Redbook in a 32-line poem called “The Hoobub and the Grinch.” This version bears virtually no resemblance to the later character other than name, instead being a fast-talking salesman in the vein of Sylvester McMonkey McBean from The Sneetches and the Once-ler from Seuss’s later book The Lorax. “The Hoobub and the Grinch” would be republished as part of the posthumous anthology Horton and the Kwuggerbug and More Lost Stories in 2014, in which the illustration draws this Grinch far differently
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