Denver Broncos Hawaiian shirt And Beach SHORT
Still others have argued that it migrated from Tahiti, where images of hibiscus, breadfruit and other exotica have long been printed on cloth. Further back, early Hawaiians would stain their barkcloth clothes with kukui nut tree juice to create red and yellow ochre shades.It was the British mariner Captain Cook who introduced the western shirt to the islands following his unexpected visit in 1778, with missionaries subsequently teaching the Hawaiians how to sew. Finally, Chinese and Japanese immigrants brought in to work on the islands’ sugar and pineapple plantations introduced not only their own printed silks and traditional fabrics but the art of tailoring. But the ‘Hawaiian shirt’ was a term not coined until 1927, by Ellery Chun, a tailor and businessman who made it up simply as a marketing tactic, with ‘aloha shirt’ registered nine years later.

Denver Broncos Hawaiian shirt And Beach SHORT
It worked. Such was the Hawaiian shirt’s appeal, to both natives and visitors, that within a decade Honolulu had 275 tailors making them, and these small Pacific islands were enjoying an unexpectedly vibrant trade in textiles from Japan — the only place with the know-how and willingness to make small runs of complex, handmade printed fabrics. This was, of course — with some bitter irony — before the Japanese attacked Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor naval base and saw the United States enter the second world war.