I’ll Give Your President The Same Respect You Gave Mine Cap

Ill Give Your President The Same Respect You Gave Mine Cap1

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Ill Give Your President The Same Respect You Gave Mine Cap1

I’ll Give Your President The Same Respect You Gave Mine Cap“In popular speech, the term caping refers to lying. For instance, saying you caped a ball means basically the same thing as stating that you hit a ball with a cap or something similar. However, sometimes people will also use this term to simply express their surprise or disbelief at something. It is unclear when or why this term became widely used, but it certainly has its roots in the language.

I’ll Give Your President The Same Respect You Gave Mine CapThe cap is one of those words that have undergone plenty of slang changes over the years. In the earliest years of the language, it referred to either flathead or a “”stubby”” face. Over time it came to mean both, but it eventually became used just for the cap, as in “”oh yeah, I got one of those cap ones!””

The original slang use of the cap was actually an insult. For instance, a boy who was caught using the “”nappy cap”” prank was called a nappyhead. The word has since become associated with the gay community (some people still use it this way) and is still used to this day in gay online forums. In North America, several different versions of the cap emoji have become used.

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