Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved The Little Mermaid Shirt
“What is the number one fashion accessory for men? The shirt. It is the staple of any man’s wardrobe and is probably his most important accessory outside of a phone and cell phone. He cannot live without a shirt in the morning. He cannot function without a shirt at noon. If he has to go somewhere, he takes a shirt along.Wearing a shirt is not limited to the work environment, for men can be seen in public wearing a shirt practically every day. There are several reasons for this universal penchant for shirts.
Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved The Little Mermaid Shirt
One reason being is it is so comfortable. Most people like to wear clothing that they feel good in. This comfort is also important to men as most of them are very self-conscious about their appearance. A great shirt will help you feel better and look better too.